Friday, August 1, 2014

August Newsletter: Not Much Going On Yet

Well August is starting today which means two things, that we've finished our third month of blogging and that in just a few weeks we'll be back at URI.

Move-in at URI is the last weekend of this month and with it the first event of the fall semester aptly named First Night.  The purpose of this event is to get all the new freshman to see what organizations they can join at URI.  Since just handing out a pamphlet with all the organizations on it would probably not be very effective URI instead does something a bit more involved.  At First Night every student organization gets a table on the street outside the Memorial Union and sets up whatever they want to in order to attract new members.  The RAs of the freshman dorms round up their freshman and bring them up to the Union.  From there the students are free to wander from table to table perusing their options.

Of course we will be there, Tom and I will be manning our table explaining what our club does and creating the all important first mailing list.  The email lists made at first night are important to many organizations since they are the best way to contact people who have expressed interest in joining and remind them that you exist.  Sarah will also be around but may be at the HVZ booth since she serves as their treasurer as well so you should check them out as well.  The other group to make sure to visit is the URI Gaming Club who sets up Super Smash Brothers at their table and is one of the largest organizations on campus.  They have 2 rooms in the Union filled with all kinds of games and their president is Will Botta who also runs their chapter of Poke'mon League.

Our next newsletter will be out right about when classes start but we still have a another whole month of blogging before then so until then I hope you enjoy our posts. 

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