The third series of Digimon is disconnected from the first two and is called Digimon Tamers. It follows the adventures of 3 kids living in Japan who acquire Digimon partners. They adn their partners protect their city from Digimon who are crossing over from the digital world into reality.
In addition to moving the focus of the series to the real world where the previous 2 series are a TV show, the other major change was the use of the Digimon card game. The Digivices weilded by the characters has slots on the side of them where a card could be swiped which would apply an effect to their partner which ranged from Digivolving, to equipment, to alternate attacks. These cards appear to be unrelated to any real world merchandise and don't resemble the real world card game that was released based on the original series.
This was my favorite of all of the Digimon series I have seen and while still a kids show the writing is more complex and has more depth than the first two series.
The Fourth series is radically different from the first three. The series begins with several kids getting summoned via text message to gather at a train station. They board trains and arrive in the Digital World. Of the dozens of children summoned 6 remain in the Digital World and form the main cast. Instead of partner Digimon each of them acquires a Digivice and a spirit which allow them to become a Digimon directly. They then proceed on a quest to rescue the Digimon who summoned them and find their way back home.
There have been 2 more Digimon series released as of now but I am not particularly familiar with them. The fifth is based around an agency the keeps the Digital World a secret from the real world and the sixth involves some sort of fusion ability.
I hope you all have enjoyed this look into the world Digimon and I will be back next week with a new topic.
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