Monday, November 17, 2014

Meandering Mondays: Magic? Theory: Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer/Hoshi no Samidare

Hello everyone, this week I'm going to talk about the magic like abilities from Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer a manga which I highly endorse(see my review here for further information).  The abilities the characters use are not magical in nature but the ways that they are used are close enoguh for the purpose of this article.  As always SPOILERS AHEAD

The source of all of the special abilities in this series is a high level psychic named Anima and as a result all of the abilities the characters possess are psionic in nature.  The heroes of the series consist of 12 "knights" and a princess.  The villain of the series is an equally powerful psychic named Animus who uses his abilities to create a series of golems for the heroes to fight as well as the titular Biscuit Hammer, a giant hammer the threatens to destroy the earth. 

While the Princess is the most powerful member of the side of good the Knights are the center of the series special abilities.  Each Knight has an invisible animal familiar, a single wish and a form of telekinesis called domain control.  The animal familiars are the connection between the Knights and the battle and each has varying levels of power and memories of previous battles between the Knights and Animus.  The animals forms are a random assortment including a lizard, a horse, a grasshopper, and even a swordfish.  In addition to the normal 12 animals there are 3 advanced familiars, the dragon, the pheonix, and the unicorn which are in fact evolutions of the normal familiars.  A familiar evolves into one of the 3 legendary knights at the decision of Anima normally as a result of the actiosn of their Knight.  The legendary familiars dramatically increase the power of their Knight but only one of each type may exist at a time. 

The wish granted to each of the Knights is the payment they receive in exchange for risking their lives fighting Animus.  They are allowed to use their wish at any time after the arrival of their familiar.  The wish seems to be limited only by the imagination of the user and range from saving the life of a dying old man, transferring of skills from one person to another or even just a loaf of bread.  One of the more distinctive features of this wish in comparison to other series is that the wishes don't have the traditioanl tendency to backfire and are granted in good faith.  This is markedly different from the norm of wishes being twisted to ruin lives or going horrifically badly as they play out. 

The meat of the Knight's powers in this series is Domain Control which is functionally the ability to telekinetically control objects in a given area.  In the manga this area is represented as a dark transparent blob that can be reshaped by the user.  Despite the relative simplicity of the ability each Knight uses the ability in a unique way showcasing the flexibility of a seemingly simple power.  Early applications of Domain Control include using it like a spear by pushing on enemies at a small point and super jumping by throwing the user's feet upward.  More advanced applications include it's use as armor to amplify physical attacks, wielding normal weapons with tentacles and creatign dozens of small solid platforms to increase mobility.  The most advanced applications include the generation of fire and ice by controlling the motion of individual molecules, the creation of golems similar to Animus, and the reversal of time to heal wounds which is a result of the user's wish.  The final application of note is the main character's final technique called "Field of Babylon" which involves spreading domain control in a sphere that slows and weakens enemy attacks while accelerating those of the user effectively granting the user a moderate level of super speed. 

I hope you found this brief summary interesting and I'll be back next Monday with my next regular post. 

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