Sunday, May 18, 2014

Manga Review 2.

Scar of the Wind.

This is a post by Thomas

Inuyasha is the longest manga I own, at 56 volumes.

Inuyasha is the story of a girl, Kagome, whose family lives at an old shrine in Japan. Everything on the grounds has a story including the old bone eaters well, which is said, when something goes in it vanishes. One day Kagome is searching for her cat near the well when something pulls her in. When she regains her senses the shrine is nowhere to be seen. She has been sent back in time 500 years. She eventually meets a half-demon named Inuyasha and together they need to find the shards of a scared jewel, which grants power to demons. If someone were to get all the pieces they could take over Japan. They form a team with a fox demon, a monk, and a demon exterminator(and her pet demon cat).

The team has an interesting dynamics with each other and can be pretty comedic. They do work well together and have different strengths for battle. They all have goals for why they would be traveling.

The manga came first for Inuyasha so it doesn't have any filler. Some of the names for attacks are different from their anime counterparts as they where changed to sound better when actually being shouted.

I like the manga but as previously stated, I think the anime should be watched in part so you can get some of the attacks down. Then when you read the manage you can connect the pieces from the still frames. You get the actions. When I read the manga I also can hear the voice actors and see the scnes. when i made it to parts i hadn't seen in the anime. I had to go and check as I could imiange how the battles would go down. The inflection in voices. I do like the manga. It is quicker than the anime as it has no filler and most people can read faster.

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