Monday, June 2, 2014

Poke'mon The Journey Continues

Last week I told you all the story of how I started watching Poke'mon, which you can read here. At the end of that article I promised that this week I'd talk about my family's experience playing the games.  The most important part of this experience was that my sister, my dad, and I played the game together, taking turns playing and chatting about what to do. We started off with Yellow version, most likely since we'd seen the TV show. 

Our gaming experience was greatly influenced by my dad especially early on.  Our first great challenge was clearing Mt. Moon, and as a result of his past playing Zork, he drew a map.  The combination of the darkness of the cave (we may have not been able to use flash), the endless waves of zubats, the threatening Team Rocket grunts, and the dream of finding the elusive Clefairy made for an incredible adventure.  However, the culmination of our journey through this mysterious cave was a desperate battle with Jessie and James, who ambushed us just as the exit came into sight.  After several defeats, we managed to overcome them and upon our arrival in Cerulean City our greatest challenge was completed

They were much more threatening back then

As we continued with Yellow we had a few other noteworthy experiences.  One of these was when my sister and I decided to see what the release button on the PC did, on our Squirtle.  Fortunately enough we reclaimed him using the Old Rod, which I believe should be impossible.  The other interesting feature of our journey was that our final team was Charizard, Blastoise, Venasaur, Pikachu, Pidgeot, and Hypno.  Hypno may seem like an odd choice considering that even back in first gen there were better choices for a psychic type, like Alakazam.  However, Alakazam can only evolve by trading, and since we only had one game, we used Hypno instead.  Once our final team was assembled the game proceeded smoothly, however we stopped playing while completing victory road and never properly finished the game.  Several years later we played Gold version the same way and as time has gone on me and my sister have played each new game together, up through Black and White.  We stopped here since my sister hasn't finished the game, and I don't want to start my next journey without her by my side. 

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